Nurse Call Systems
20 Mart 2022 Pazar
Nurse Call Systems

Nurse call systems are systems that enable patients to ask for help from nurses when they cannot move or their movements are limited. Nurse call systems in hospitals and various health centers are generally located in bedside units.

Emergency Response Systems
24 Mart 2022 Perşembe
Emergency Response Systems

Emergency response systems generally consist of emergency lighting and direction luminaires. At this point, emergency response systems are activated in case of any malfunction, possible negative situation, power outage.

Addressable Fire Detection Systems
12 Nisan 2023 Çarşamba
Addressable Fire Detection Systems

Fire detection systems are devices that provide early detection and alarm of fires. Addressable fire detection systems, on the other hand, are more advanced fire detection systems used to ensure the fire safety of large or complex structures, buildings or facilities.

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